Articles in academic journals

Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2025). Roaring out of digital transformation. Applied economics letters, 1-4. DOI, ULB
Ameye, N., Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). From experimentation to scaling: what shapes the funnel of AI adoption? Economics of innovation and new technology., 2413940. DOI, ULB
Hoffreumon, C., Forman, C. C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). Make or buy your artificial intelligence? Complementarities in technology sourcing. Journal of economics & management strategy, 33, 452-479. DOI, ULB
Ameye, N., Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2023). How uncertainty shapes herding in the corporate use of artificial intelligence technology. Technovation, 127, 102846. DOI, ULB
Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2021). How should a business self-cannibalize during digital transformation? The European business review., Nov-Dec 2021. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., & Bughin, J. (2021). The Challenge of Digital Transformation. The European business review., Sep-Oct 2021. Source, ULB
Bughin, J., Kretschmer, T., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2021). Digital technology adoption drives strategic renewal for successful digital transformation. IEEE engineering management review. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., Kretschmer, T., & Bughin, J. (2021). Digital is Strategy: The Role of Digital Technology Adoption in Strategy Renewal. IEEE transactions on engineering management, 1-15. DOI, ULB
Forman, C. C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2019). Digital technology adoption and knowledge flows within firms: Can the Internet overcome geographic and technological distance? Research policy, 48(8), 1-16. DOI, ULB
Venturini, R., Ceccagnoli, M. M., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2019). Knowledge integration in the shadow of tacit spillovers: Empirical evidence from U.S. R&D labs. Research policy, 48(1), 180-205. DOI, ULB
Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2018). Artificial intelligence: Why a digital base is critical. The McKinsey quarterly, 2018(3). Source, ULB
Bughin, J., Catlin, T., Hall, B., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). Improving your digital intelligence. MIT Sloan management review., 59207. Source, ULB
Bughin, J., LaBerge, L., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). When to shift your digital strategy into a higher gear. The McKinsey quarterly. Source, ULB
Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). New evidence for the power of digital platforms. The McKinsey quarterly. Source, ULB
Cremers, K., Ernicke, M., Gaessler, F., Harhoff, D., Helmers, C., Mc Donagh, L., Schliessler, P., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). Patent litigation in Europe. European journal of law and economics, 44(1), 1-44. DOI, ULB
Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). 6 Digital Strategies, and Why Some Work Better than Others. Harvard business review. Source, ULB
Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). The best response to digital disruption. MIT Sloan management review, 58(4). Source, ULB
Graham, S., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2014). Comparing Patent Litigation Across Europe: A First Look. Stanford technology law review, 17, 655-708., ULB
Bersini, H., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2012). Why should an Economy be Competitive? Complex systems, 21(1), 21-36. DOI, ULB
Forman, C. C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2012). From wires to partners: How the Internet has fostered R&D collaborations within firms. Management science, 58(8), 1549-1568. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2011). The Puzzle of Patent Value Indicators. Economics of innovation and new technology, 20(1), 33-62. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., & Van Pottelsberghe, B. (2011). The vulnerability of patent value determinants. Economics of innovation and new technology, 20(3), 283-308. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., & Van Pottelsberghe, B. (2011). Filing strategies and patent value. Economics of innovation and new technology, 20(6), 539-562. DOI, ULB
Mantrach, A., van Zeebroeck, N., Francq, P., Shimbo, M., Bersini, H., & Saerens, M. (2011). Semi-supervised Classification and Betweenness: Centrality Computation on Large, Sparse, Graphs. Pattern recognition, 44(6), 1212-1224. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2011). Long live patents: the increasing life expectancy of patent applications and its determinants. Review of economics and institutions, 2(3). DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., Van Pottelsberghe, B., & Guellec, D. (2009). Claiming more: the increased voluminosity of patent applications and its determinants. Research policy, 38(6), 1006-1020. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., Van Pottelsberghe, B., & Guellec, D. (2008). Patents and Academic Research: A State of the Art. Journal of intellectual capital, 9(2), 246-263. DOI, ULB
Van Pottelsberghe, B., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2008). A brief history of space and time: the scope-year index as a patent value indicator based on families and renewals. Scientometrics, 75(2), 319-338. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., Van Pottelsberghe, B., Stevnsborg, N., Guellec, D., & Archontopoulos, E. (2008). Patent inflation in Europe. World Patent Information, 30(1), 43-52. DOI, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2008). Développement et impact des stratégies de dépôt de brevets. Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 47(3), 87-100. Source, ULB

Books (authored or edited)

van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). L'économie numérique: Enjeux et ressorts d'une révolution. Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université libre de Bruxelles, Source, ULB
Bersini, H., Francq, P., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2023). Les fondements de l'informatique: du silicium au bitcoin. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck Supérieur. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2019). Actes du 23ème Congrès des Economistes: Commission Digitalisation, Robots et Emploi. Source, ULB
Bersini, H., Spinette, M.-P., Spinette, R., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2014). Les fondements de l'informatique: du bit au cloud. Paris: Vuibert. Source, ULB

Contributions to conference proceedings and collective works

Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). Does digital transformation pay off? Validating strategic responses to digital disruption. Academy of Management Proceedings Academy of Management Annual Meeting(2017) Source, ULB
Bersini, H., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2013). A Stylized Software Model to Explore the Free Market Equality/Efficiency Tradeoff. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems: Vol. 221 (pp. 1-8) Springer. Source, ULB

Guellec, D., Van Pottelsberghe, B., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2007). Patent as a market instrument. In D. Guellec & B. Van Pottelsberghe (Eds.), The Economics of the European Patent System (pp. 85-113). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Source, ULB

Papers in submission / revision process

Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). Strategic Renewal and Corporate Return of Digital Transformation. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2024-071)., ULB
Bughin, J., Gosse, J., Hoffreumon, C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). Value and Integrative Dynamic Capabilities: an Empirical Confirmation. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2024-072)., ULB
Bakkali, S., Cincera, M., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). The Inverted U-Shaped Relationship between broadband penetration and International R&D Collaboration: Evidence from 19 OECD Countries. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2024-074)., ULB
Gosse, J., Forman, C. C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2023). Adoption of ICT and Environmental Management Practices: Empirical Evidence from European Firms. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2023-070)., ULB

Working papers

Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2021). The Entrepreneurial Returns to Incumbents’ Digital Transformation. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2021-048)., ULB
Gosse, J., Hoffreumon, C., van Zeebroeck, N., & Bughin, J. (2020). The Value of Platform Strategy It's the Ecosystem, Stupid! (Working Papers TIMES² No 2020-039)., ULB
Hoffreumon, C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2018). Forecasting short-term transaction fees on a smart contracts platform. (Working Papers TIMES² No 2018-028)., ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., & Bughin, J. (2017). Platform play among incumbent firms: the wrong focus? (Working Papers TIMES² No 2017-023)., ULB
Kapoor, R. R., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2016). The laws of action and reaction: on determinants of patent disputes in European chemical and drug industries. (ICITE No WP 2016-019)., ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2009). Filing strategies and the increasing duration of patent applications. (Working papers CEB No 09-005.RS)., ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2009). From patent renewals to applications survival: do portfolio management strategies play a role in patent length? (Working papers CEB No 09-028.RS)., ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2007). Patents only live twice: a patent survival analysis in Europe. (Working papers CEB No 07-028.RS)., ULB

Articles and reports in business media

van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). L’échiquier mondial de l’IA : entre régulations et soft power. The Conversation, Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). IA : promesses de productivité, apocalypse pour l’emploi ? The Conversation, Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., Gosse, J., & Fitzhenry, J. J. (2023). Digital for Green: Leveraging Digital Technologies to Improve Sustainability. The Conference Board briefing. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., Bol, D., & Raskin, J.-P. (2022). Au pays des puces électroniques, l’innovation et les ressources coûtent très cher. The Conversation, Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N., & Dricot, J.-M. (2022). We are at cyberwar. Here is what firms need to know and do about it. The Conference Board briefing. Source, ULB
Gosse, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2022). Should semiconductor supply chains brace for more turmoil? The Conference Board briefing. Source, ULB
Bughin, J., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2018). The Promise and Pitfalls of AI. Project Syndicate. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2008). Innovation - Brevets : quelles nouvelles stratégies ? Problèmes économiques,(2960)., ULB
Van Pottelsberghe, B., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2008). Patenting strategies and the value of European patents. VOX EU Columns. Source, ULB

Policy reports

Dunne, A. A., Gomez Carvajal, M. F. M., Bughin, J., Gosse, J., Hoffreumon, C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2022). Survey of Businesses on the Data Economy 2022. DOI, ULB
Bijwaard, D. D., Gyupchanova, T. T., Dunne, A. A., Gosse, J., Hoffreumon, C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2021). Survey on the contribution of ICT to the environmental sustainability of actions of EU enterprises. DOI, ULB
Kazakova, S. S., Dunne, A. A., Bijwaard, D. D., Gosse, J., Hoffreumon, C., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2020). European enterprise survey on the use of technologies based on artificial intelligence. DOI, ULB

Media columns, OpEds and Blog Posts

van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). Media Column: Comment les Européens et le logiciel libre perdent la bataille numérique. L’Artichaut, Source, ULB

Colmant, B., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2024). Media Column: L'intelligence artificielle arrivera-t-elle à temps? La Libre Belgique. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2023). Media Column: ChatGPT: entre périls et salut. La Libre Belgique. Source, ULB
Neysen, N., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2021). Media Column: L'herbe est-elle vraiment plus numérique ailleurs? La Libre Belgique. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2021). LinkedIn Blog Post: Can cryptocurrencies avoid the reintermediation trap. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2021). LinkedIn Blog Post: Uber à Bruxelles: Vive le progrès! Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2020). LinkedIn Blog Post: Digital resistance and hesitation in Europe: Beware what you wish for. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2020). LinkedIn Blog Post: Taxons le digital, oui mais comment? Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2019). LinkedIn Blog Post: Digital cluster bombs and market power. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2019). Media Column: Yellow Vests and Digital Paradoxes. From Solvay Magazine., ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). LinkedIn Blog Post: The digital village. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). LinkedIn Blog Post: How different is digital technology from earlier industrial revolutions? Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2017). Media Column: Le décret Paysage et le mirage informatique. Le Soir. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2016). Media Column: Des souris et des hommes. La Libre Belgique. Source, ULB
van Zeebroeck, N. (2015). Media Column: Sans partage. La Libre Belgique. Source, ULB
Van Pottelsberghe, B., & van Zeebroeck, N. (2014). Media Column: Ruée vers l'or gris. La Libre Belgique. Source, ULB
Nicolas van Zeebroeck, 2024